Green Mountain Transit (GMT) was chartered in 1973 by the Vermont General Assembly after the private bus operator went out of business. GMT serves the communities of Burlington, Essex, South Burlington, Shelburne, Williston, Winooski, Milton, Hinesburg, and a portion of Colchester. LINK Express routes serve Montpelier, and St. Albans commuters. GMT is considered a municipality and is the first and only transit authority in the State of Vermont.
In 2011, Chittenden County Transportation Authority (CCTA) and Green Mountain Transit Agency (GMTA) became a single unified organization, making CCTA the first and only regional transit authority in the State of Vermont. In 2016, the agency became Green Mountain Transit (GMT).
GMT is currently governed by a 14-member Board of Commissioners, with two commissioners representing Burlington and one commissioner representing each of the following; South Burlington, Winooski, Essex, Essex Junction, Shelburne, Williston, Milton, Hinesburg, Washington County, Lamoille County, Franklin County, and Grand Isle County.
Our Mission
The mission of GMT is to promote and operate safe, convenient, accessible, innovative and sustainable public transportation services in the northwest and central Vermont region that reduce congestion and pollution, encourage transit oriented development and enhance the quality of life for all.
GMT Services
In Chittenden County, GMT offers fixed routes, local commuter routes, LINK Express routes, and ADA paratransit services. GMT also provides shuttles from senior housing complexes to local supermarkets and neighborhood specials for student transportation to Burlington schools. Outside of Chittenden County, in Washington, Lamoille, Franklin, and Grand Isle Counties, GMT provides a variety of public transportation services including local routes, commuter routes, demand response medical shuttles, and service to elders and persons with disabilities.