1. Purchase

2. Activate

3. Ride

1. Purchase
Purchasing fares is easy with Ride Ready by GMT.
- Tap Add Funds
- Input the amount of stored value you want to add
- Continue to checkout
Select save payment to make future checkouts even easier!

2. Activate
Activate passes anytime anywhere in seconds.
- Select your fare
- Tap yes to activate your pass
You have three minutes to use your pass once it’s activated.

3. Ride
Simply, scan the barcode at the farebox and enjoy your ride.
Best Practices:
- Ensure your brightness is turned up
- Place your phone flat to the scanner

How to Use the Ride Ready by GMT App
Creating an Account
Tracking Fare Capping
Setting Up a Discount Profile
Setting Up a Parent Profile
Updating Account Information
Paying for Additional Riders
Releasing a Mobile Wallet
Retrieving a Mobile Wallet
Resetting Account Password
Using Trip Planning Features