Green Mountain Transit (GMT) provides ADA paratransit services for persons unable to use GMT fixed route bus system because of a disability. This paratransit service is provided within three-quarters (3/4) of a mile, on either side, of the GMT fixed route system.
Eligibility for paratransit transportation is determined through an application process. Applications are available at GMT and can be requested by calling 802-540-2468 or emailing us at Completed applications are evaluated within 21 days of receipt at GMT. Notification of the resulting determination is then forwarded to the applicant by letter.
ADA paratransit service, sponsored by Green Mountain Transit is provided through Special Services Transportation Agency (SSTA).
Out-of-town, ADA-eligible visitors can contact 802-540-2468 to set up visitor status.
Paratransit Service Manual:
Please review our Paratransit Guide that outlines GMT’s policies for scheduling trips.
Paratransit Service Manual:
Overview & Application Instructions
Eligibility Application Part 1: Applicant Information
Eligibility Application Part 2: Certified Health Care Professional Verification
Service Maps
In order to determine the service area based on the time of day, please use the left-hand column on the Google links below.