MyRide by GMT Microtransit Pilot: Proposed Service Adjustments
Green Mountain Transit (GMT) is evaluating service adjustments to the MyRide by GMT microtransit pilot in response to the conclusion of Mobility & Transportation Innovation (MTI) grant funding from the Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans). This funding has been critical in supporting the pilot program, and its expiration necessitates adjustments to the service area of Montpelier and into Berlin.
As we assess potential changes, our goal remains to balance service efficiency with the transportation needs of our riders. We recognize the impact these adjustments may have on the community and encourage public input on the next iteration of public transit for this service area.
How to Provide Feedback
Community feedback is essential in shaping the future of service in the Montpelier and Berlin area. Riders can provide input through:
Wednesday, April 2, 2025 @ 4:30 PM Thursday April 3, 2025 @ 12:00 PM | Green Mountain TransCentral Vermont Regional Planning Commission Office 29 Main Street, Suite 4 Montpelier, Vermont 05602 Via Zoom Meeting Link: us02web.zoom.us/j/7507551826 Phone-in Audio Only: +1 309 205 3325 US Meeting ID: 750 755 1826 |
Direct email with comments to planning@ridegmt.com or via U.S. Mail to GMT Planning Department, 101 Queen City Park Road, Burlington VT 05401.
MyRide by GMT
MyRide by GMT is a new flexible-schedule, flexible-route service in Montpelier. Operated by GMT, MyRide features technology-enabled vehicles that provide curb-to-curb service, taking you when and where you need to go.
Passengers can book trips online HERE, by phone by calling 802-223-7287 (option 2), and via the MyRide by GMT app.
The MyRide by GMT app is available for download at the Apple Store and Google Play Store.

MyRide is an on-demand travel concept that takes multiple passengers heading in the same direction and books them into a shared vehicle.
To schedule a ride you can use the MyRide by GMT app or can phone the GMT Call Center (802) 223-7287, Monday-Friday from 7:00AM – 6:00PM. Customer Service reps in the call center and at the Montpelier Transit Center are available to assist. Any calls before 7:45AM will be directed to the Customer Service Rep at the Montpelier Transit Center, Monday-Friday. Please select option “2” to speak with someone regarding your MyRide by GMT trip.
You will simply give your current location and destination and the app or Call Center will match you with a vehicle going your way. A MyRide vehicle will pick you up at your location, or the nearest safe location as indicated, and drop you off at your destination. Now for the clever bit; our algorithms provide journey times that are comparable to a taxi and much more convenient than other modes of travel, making public transportation easier than ever before! Your ride, your way!
If you need assistance with registering for MyRide by GMT, contact GMT at 802-223-7287 or by emailing info@ridegmt.com.
Where does MyRide operate?
Effective April 12, 2021: Due to safety concerns on State/Main Streets, GMT is assigning “virtual” bus stop locations. What this means, passengers who are booking a trip from locations on either street will be asked to walk to a nearby safe location to meet their vehicle. Passengers who are unable to walk to the nearest location can contact GMT when booking or if booking through the app, can add a note for the driver to alert them.
Stop locations include:
- State Street at Visitor’s Center
- Governor Aiken Ave at Baldwin St.
- Montpelier Transit Center
- State St. at Northfield Savings Bank
- State Street at Subway
- Main Street at Inn at Montpelier
- Main Street at 148 Main St.
- State Street at alla vita
- E. State Street at Vermont League of Cities and Towns
- E. State Street at Vermont Center for Independent Living
- Main Street at City Hall
- Main Street at Rabble Rousers
- Main Street at Montpelier Shaws Bus Stop
- Main Street at Citizens Bank
Troubleshooting Issues
The app is giving me a message that “no vehicle is available at this time”, what does that mean? | If a trip you are trying to schedule doesn’t fit into the ride plan, the app will give you that error. If you have flexibility, you can go back into the trip plan and try another time. GMT is working on a solution where, instead of getting that error, the app will instead offer you a time that would be available. |
An on-demand transport solution for Montpelier brought to you by Green Mountain Transit in partnership with the Sustainable Montpelier Coalition, City of Montpelier, Vermont Department of Transportation, and support from other community partners.