For general comments, questions, or concerns, email us at or call 802-540-2468. Our fax number is 802-864-5564. You may also contact us through the Vermont Relay Service (711). For contact with specific members of our staff, please call 802-540-2468 and your call will be directed accordingly.
Have questions, suggestions, or other feedback?
Fill out our Inquiry | Feedback form.
If you would like to submit a comment or complaint about a specific incident, please complete the Customer Comment | Complaint Form.
Green Mountain Transit Bus Stop and Amenity Request Form
If you have a request regarding a GMT owned bus stop or amenity (shelter, bench, etc.), please fill out this form as completely as possible. After you have filled it out, a GMT staff member may contact you if further information is needed.
Requests are assigned to the appropriate department once received. GMT will address maintenance requests like cleaning or repair in a timely fashion with priority given to safety concerns. Requests for amenities to be added, moved, or removed will be evaluated by staff who will communicate with you when GMT has reached a decision.
Lost and Found:
Items lost on the bus may be picked up the next day after 10:00 a.m. at the Downtown Transit Center in Burlington. Call 802-864-2282 to be sure your item(s) have been found – items are kept for 30 days. GMT is not responsible for items left on buses.